Fast Sunday. I went to church and Don and Sister Doe went to the hospital. The nurses
and doctors are taking very good care of Brother Doe. His needs are being met. They
are turning him and giving him water and keeping him clean. He will not be flown to
Ghana until Tuesday. Tomorrow is Labor Day and is a holiday. Air flights are cancelled
for the day. Good Grief! Sahr's good friend has done a lot of work behind the scene.
He has arranged with a neurologist in Ghana to do the surgery and has gotten all the
expenses outlined. We just have to get Brother Doe to Ghana. The time to do any real
good is long passed. Now it is more of fix the bones so they don't do damage to the
inside of the spinal column. Don told Brother Doe the clinical prognosis today. He said
he took it like you would expect. But, Brother Doe was very grateful someone finally
told him the truth so he can start thinking about the future. He told Don, "I am going to
walk again." Don responded with, "and I am going to be right beside you brother when
you do." Don suggested to Brother Doe that Sister Doe go home, shower, nap and
come back later this evening and he would stay with him until she got back. Brother
Doe did not want his wife nor Don to leave but Don did not need to be in the room with
him. He wanted his wife to sit next to him. He is in need of security and that is what his
wife and Don represent.
Today is Fast Sunday so he is being remembered by many.
His name has been put on the prayer roll at the Temple in Ghana, and through the faith
of many, miracles can be had. We will see what the Lord has in store for this very kind,
righteous servant of the Lord.
After church today as I was leaving, a woman came to me and told me she needed to
talk to me. We went outside and she told me she needs medical help because she has
an itchy rash all over her body inside and out. I asked her if she has talked to her
Branch President. She said "no, I am from the PVA (polio Victims Association)" who
meets across the street. I happen to know that the Grafton Branch President has
authority to help with this community. I asked her to write her name and phone
number down on a piece of paper. I added a note to the Branch President and handed
it in to his office where he was having a Branch Council. He read the note and asked for
the woman to come in. She went in and came back out saying she has an appointment
with the Branch President on Wednesday. With her was a very thin woman who speaks
some language I am not familiar with and we could not communicate with words. She
lifted her blouse front and back and showed me sores all over her body. Having been to
the leperosy camp, this sight gave me the hebee gebees. I told her friend to take her
with her on Wednesday to see the Branch President. On Fast Sunday, in the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we fast for two meals and donate to the fast offering
an equivalent of what the two meals would have cost. The Branch President/Bishop
then uses that money to help the poor. These sweet sisters are in need of help.
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