Tuesday, November 8, 2016

October 29, 2016

Welfare training in 3 districts this weekend. Brother Buah is training Don to train the 3 outlying districts. They have two 3 hour meetings today and one tomorrow.

I am too tired to enjoy the meetings today. I stayed home.

 Don left at 6:45 to go pick up Brother Buah and take him to a meeting with the Stake President of Freetown before their meeting at 9:00. I packed them a lunch. After the Freetown meeting they have 2 hours to get over to Kissy before the next 3 hour meeting starts. They will have to eat in the car. I sent a loaf of bread and a jar of peanut butter with Don to feed anyone else hopping a ride to Kissy.

I had a nice relaxing day started until Geneba and bob showed up to clean my house. That blew a hole in my whole day. But the house got clean.

The Heckels showed up about 5:00 and going to stay overnight. They are the literacy couple for West Africa and are working on a pilot program. They have meetings in Kissy and Kossoh Town tomorrow and those towns are very near us. The brought spaghetti and sauce and I did bread, salad and dessert. It was very nice.

Don arrived home at 8:00. He took Brother Buah to his hotel before coming home. He was very hungry.

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