Tuesday, November 8, 2016

October 31st, 2016 - it's not halloween in africa

Don went to pick up Brother Buah from his hotel and then picked me up. They had to go right by here. So I stayed home and packed a lunch. We went to the 5/5 school to check on the progress of the hand-dug borehole and it was great. They have gone down 65 feet and have 30 feet of water in the well with a 13 gallon a minute recharge rate. Yeah! Tomorrow they do a water test to see how pure the water is. We are crossing our fingers. We then went to Lungi and visited the hospital we want to put 5 pieces of expensive equipment into and Brother Buah was delighted with this project. He said this is exactly the kind of project the Church likes for us to do. Lungi is a town that is remote from all other towns and the hospital serves 15,000 people and does not have an x-Ray machine, anesthesia equipment, oxygen concentrator, blood testing equipment nor a fully working (I can't remember what it is called) machine that they rub over a woman's stomach to see the baby and look for defects, gender, etc. They use old out-dated techniques. Dr. Sesay is a very humble man full of compassion and every person is important to him regardless of their ability to pay. He is loved by everyone who meets him. If ever there was a person on this earth that was/is "Christlike" it is him. People are drawn to him. From here we went to the military base to discuss their project of building a trade school. Only to find out the man we were working with was transferred and his replacement came last night and had no idea about it. We told him about the trade school and he is all for it but we told him to think about it and talk to the enlisted men as well as the other officers and to get back to us in a couple of months and let us know what they would like to do. From here, we took Brother Buah to the Lungi Airport and dropped him off. Then on our way home, we stopped at the 5/5 school to check on the project. The workers were done for the day and were making spaghetti for supper. They have two huge tents and stay on site until the project is done. They do this to make sure none of their equipment is stolen. They are really nice men. Very hard working and, oh my goodness!, you should see the muscles on these men. Their bodies are sculpted! We sent Brother Buah a text telling him of the progress.

 This was his reply: From John Buah via text: Elder and Sister Carley, we have just arrived at Accra. I'm on my way home now. I hope to get home by 9:30 p.m. Thank you so much for making my visit to Sierra Leone very successful and a wonderful experience. Thank you so much for your time. I really appreciate your generosity. I'm glad to know that the hand-dug borehole is successful. Please convey my appreciation to the local priesthood and auxiliary leaders. I appreciate their time and desire to learn. Thank you once again and best regards. John

It has been a full week and we are grouchy tired. Good night.

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