Monday, July 25, 2016

July 15, 2016 - rat poop

I have trouble sleeping and I usually am awake for 2 hours in the wee hours of the morning. That is when I read my scriptures. I sit in the living room and make myself comfortable. I did this this morning and I looked down and saw on the adjacent couch RAT poop! EEK!

It rained super hard for a long time today. Everything is flooded. They have 2 foot concrete ditches along most of the roads to channel the rain water to the ocean. But, there is no trash pick up here and the natives throw all their trash onto the ground and into those ditches. Freetown is a filthy town. When the heavy rains come, the trash all floods out of the ditches and all over the roads and hill sides. The roads that join the paved roads are all dirt and rock roads (Freetown is a rock mountain so all the roads go up and down). With the roads being dirt and rock, the dirt and rock is flushed down onto the pave roads and those roads are washed out. People get out with their shovels and wheelbarrows and scoop up the dirt and rocks and haul it back up and place it back on the washed out roads. They do this almost everyday because we are in the "rainy season". Which really does have a great amount of rain.

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