Tuesday, September 27, 2016

August 3, 2016

Sahr fed himself for the first time since his accident. Cholena brought a bowl with a rubber gasket around the bottom to keep it from slipping and a fork and spoon that have large handles for people who have trouble gripping and the part that goes into your mouth bends for the person who cannot bend their arm well. He was so full of joy to simply be able to feed himself. She also brought him some very long straws so he can get his own drink when he needs it. These are small items that makes a huge difference in a person's independence. I can only imagine how difficult it would be to have to ask someone to help you with your basic needs. Cholena said he was feeling overwhelmed with the amount of things she brought to help with his physical therapy. She has come with a desire and how to fabricate 3 pieces of equipment that will help him: a set of parallel bars, a tilt table so he can be stood up, and a standing harness. She talked to Brother Doe about these things and he wants to do the tilt table first and he called his welder. His welder came over right away and listened to what the idea is and is coming back tomorrow with suggestions on how to construct it. Cholena worked with Brother Doe all day and Sampson came twice. Brother Doe is exhausted tonight - but very happy.

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