Tuesday, September 27, 2016

September 4, 2016

We received a most wonderful gift from the Sodens before we left for Africa. They made these 6" squares (one for every Sunday we are on our Mission) and on the inside is a quote from someone in the family and a question from someone else in the family. Today's square had a question from Gavin asking if it is hard to understand the people here. The answer is absolutely! Most of them speak and understand English but they have a very heavy drawl and they use English and Kreo in the same sentence. They flow back and forth between the two languages. Today in Relief Society about half way through the lesson the teacher asked me if I was understanding the lesson. I said "no". At the end of the lesson a Sister made a contribution that lasted 4 to 5 minutes and she talked very fast, has a heavy accent and most of it was in Kreo. After she finished, the teacher asked me to make a contribution. I had no idea what the previous Sister said and I told them the way they would say it "I didn't get it". The teacher looked stunned. After the lesson was over, the teacher came to me and said "Next week we will speak in English".

 There is a lot of excitement here in the church this week. Next Sunday we have Elder Stevenson from the Quorum of the twelve coming along with two seventies, a member of the Presiding Bishopric, and some of West Africa Area Authorities for a special conference.

 Don and I are excited because the Presiding Bishopric is over humanitarian efforts and Elder Davies has requested that Don and I take him out to some of our projects so he can see first hand what has been accomplished. Our Area Welfare Manager, Elder Buah, has requested we take him to the PVA to see the two projects we have done there. He will see the poorest of the poor.

Sister Clawson called and asked if I could help her in the kitchen tomorrow. She is feeding 95 missionaries on Friday and needs some help. She said she made 110 banana muffins yesterday and when she went to put them in her freezer, everything in the freezer was thawed. Her freezer died. We are having lunch at her place tomorrow to eat some of the stuff that thawed out that can't be refroze. I have no idea what we are going to make. It should be fun. It will be like having R.S. Sisters working together for a branch activity. Sister Miner the office worker and Sister Corbaly a MLS missionary will also help. I really miss Relief Society and my association with the Sisters.

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